The exhibition Pičkin Dim (Pussy’s Smoke – a Croatian slang term used to describe something that’s a piece of cake or easy to overcome) was the artists’ answer to the ‘outrage’ caused by a photograph of the same name by the author Ana Petrović, which was exhibited at Gallery of Fine Arts, Osijek. The photograph was a part of the group exhibition On Photography at the Art Academy of Arts, Osijek. The artwork was used for political means and was also censored by Facebook for being ‘inappropriate’. The recent events that occurred in Osijek are extremely worrying and set a bad precedent that could influence the artistic freedom and expression in the future.
Over 70 works were exhibited at the Pičkin Dim exhibition and all of them represented the vagina in some form or another.

I participated with the photographed named Organ Grinder (2018). It represents censorship and symbolizes female sexuality which is often oppressed and ignored. The penis, as a symbol of male dominance, is literally and metaphorically obscuring and diminishing the vagina.